Expect Unexpected Engagement When you try Hexagonal Thinking in ELA


365: 3 Easy Ways to Help Kids Build Better Arguments
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You want your students to love reading. You want a beautiful, organized classroom library with displays that draw students to books like bees to honey. You want assessments that will allow you to check in with readers without feeling like the book police. You want to encourage students to go beyond the requirements, and stretch in new directions with their reading.
I’ve designed this program to help you reach these goals. 
Here’s what’s inside:
  • Top titles to include in your library to help hook readers on books
  • A special section of must-reads that appeal to reluctant readers
  • Genre labels and displays to keep your library organized and appealing
  • Seven types of creative assessments that encourage book sharing and build community
  • Bulletin board headers for displays that help draw students to new books
  • Reading bingo cards that inspire students to try new genres and titles
  • Two types of reading contests to add a fun gamification element to your program
  • Instructions on how to use everything to make this program easy to put into place

Wondering what people are saying about this program
“Wow! I was just reviewing the material and I am so impressed with the quality of the materials. I will be setting everything up this week and launching next week. This is truly helpful and useful, especially for teacher just beginning to add a class library. You have taken all the guess work and intimidation out of the process.”
-Susan H.
“Love this resource! It was amazingly helpful and inspired me to inspire my kids!”
-TPT Buyer
“Thank you for a solid solution to the ‘I hate to read…'”
-Colleen H. 
“Super resource and already great feedback from students.” 
-Stephanie W. 
If you’re ready to watch in delight as your students pull the books from your shelves, this program is for you. 

Ethical AI PBL Unit

3 Weeks of Attendance Questions

Better Discussion Toolkit


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