I know I’m not the only one who has stared at a stack of papers for weeks on end, unable to face the task of grading them. Between planning lessons, coaching, grading quizzes and regular homework assignments, and trying to save an hour here and there to go grocery shopping and work out, the Herculean task of grading papers just never sounds appealing.
Over almost a decade of teaching, I developed a method to streamline the teaching of formal writing so I wouldn’t have to spend SO MUCH time grading essays.

Because let’s face it, that’s not why we started teaching. Can I get an amen?!
I LOVE coming up with creative classroom units and then watching my students’ faces light up when I introduce them. And I know you do too.
That’s why I want to give you the packet I’ve developed for teaching the basic elements of writing a GREAT formal paper introduction. In my experience, once students can rock the introduction and understand the elements I outline in this paper, grading gets so much easier. Once your students understand this packet, you’ll be speaking the same language. You won’t have to explain everything over and over again every time you grade a paper.
This way you can help students become great writers AND you’ll have more time for poetry slams, drama workshops, radio shows, independent projects and all that is wonderful and beautiful in the English classroom!
Pop your e-mail in the box below and I’ll send it to you. You’ll also receive e-mails full of teaching strategies, helpful links, and more fantastic resources to help you put together the creative classroom community you’ve always wanted.