Expect Unexpected Engagement When you try Hexagonal Thinking in ELA


361: Amplify Argument Engagement with a Mock Trial
  • https://traffic.libsyn.com/sparkcreativity/mock_trial_mini_full.mp3 00:00

The Day of Giving is September 27, 2018

Project Summary: For this special day, all interested TPTers can choose a charity and donate their proceeds from the day. By working together, we can promote this amazing event and help a lot of wonderful organizations. The goal will be to share throughout social media on September 26 and 27, and to e-mail our lists on one of those days as well. You can use the provided graphics and text, or you can create your own, just like with TPT sales. If you can, try to pop around to the hashtag #tptdayofgiving on Facebook and Instagram the day before and the day of and comment on other people’s posts. This, as you know, will greatly increase the likelihood that more teachers will see the posts. Try to comment with something at least three words long so it counts as a comment. 
To see the full list of participating stores and linked charities, check out our official page. You can link people to this page anytime when you want them to learn all about the day. 

Hashtag to use everywhere: #tptdayofgiving
Smaller segment hashtags: #tptdayofgivingELA, #tptdayofgivingmath, #tptdayofgivingscience, #tptdayofgivingarts, #tptdayofgivinghistory, #tptdayofgivinglanguages, #tptdayofgivingelementary 

Facebook Caption Option:
Today is the TPT Day of Giving. Almost one hundred teacher authors from around the world will be donating all their sales to charity today. I’ll be supporting ______ , because _______ . If you believe in this cause, it’s a perfect day for you to find something wonderful for your curriculum in my store. If you’re not sure what to check out, I’d highly recommend my __________. Here’s the link: _________.  #tptdayofgiving

Facebook Images (TPT will be posting one of these in the morning – you could also share from there, which will help their post get more traction with their HUGE audience):

Instagram Stories Images: Consider creating a three part story on the day of the event. Start your story with the provided image, then feature a photo of the product you’d most suggest people buy (link it in your profile), then feature the charity you plan to support and tag them if they are on Instagram. Put the hashtag #tptdayofgiving somewhere in your story. 

Instagram Caption Ideas:

The Day Before: Tomorrow’s a great day for TPT. Many teacher-authors will be donating 100% of their sales to charity, and I’m one of them. I’ll be supporting @_________ because __________. You can learn all about the Day of Giving and find out who else is participating by checking out the weblink in my profile. (https://www.nowsparkcreativity.com/p/the-tpt-day-of-giving.html) 
#tptdayofgiving #teacher #tpt #teachersofthegram #iteach #teachersfollowteachers  (continue with hashtags related to your discipline)
The Day Of: Today’s the big day! More than seventy-five teacher authors are coming together today to donate 100% of their sales on TPT to charity. I am thrilled to be supporting _____ because _____. If this is work you believe in, it truly is a wonderful day for you to go choose something you love for your class in my TPT store. Check out the link in my profile to see my top recommendation to you. 
#tptdayofgiving #teacher #tpt #teachersofthegram #iteach #teachersfollowteachers  (continue with hashtags related to your discipline)
Instagram Image Options: 

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