You struggle with how to help students try their best during standardized testing. It’s a difficult time for teachers and students. This portal provides resources to help lighten your load.

This article providing six strategies to help encourage your students to engage during testing is a great place to start.
Another helpful resource designed just for you is waiting for your free download over at Teachers Pay Teachers. It’s a packet of resources designed to complement the article above. In it you’ll find a student challenge card, a printable set of cards to include in student testing kits, and several fun testing-themed writing prompt printables.
I’ve also been working on a roundup of great resources for promoting engagement with testing over at Pinterest. Every time I find another good idea, I put it on this board. I hope you’ll find a lot of it directly applicable to your classroom.
If you have a specific question you’d like to ask, or you want to get some great ideas from other like-minded teachers, check out our growing Facebook group, Creative High School English. Just request to join and I will add you as quickly as possible. You’ll make the conversation richer for others and hopefully find inspiration from our creative community.
Finally, if you could use a good test-based laugh or some wild inspiration for making a video for your own students, check out what a few teachers put together below. I love it!