This episode is all about ways to test out flipped learning without getting overwhelmed. In it, I share five easy ways to try incorporating a bit of video into your class.
If you’d like to read a summary of the five ideas, plus two more (bonus!), check out this blog post:
7 Ways to Flip your Classroom
If you’d like to read more about using Facebook live to benefit your students, jump on over to my article for We Are Teachers, 3 Ways to use Facebook Live in the Classroom.
And if you can’t WAIT to start collaborating with other like-minded creative teachers and chat about anything and everything related to our fabulous profession, run don’t walk (virtually, of course) over to Facebook and join our group, Creative High School English. I’m excited to see you there!
Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes so you can get my upcoming mini-series, five episodes all about starting your year off creatively. I’m really excited to share this series with you, and I don’t want you to miss any of the ideas I’m cooking up to keep you feeling exhilarated and engaged in class this year.