Expect Unexpected Engagement When you try Hexagonal Thinking in ELA


327: Dystopia Book Clubs: A How-To Guide
  • 00:00

One-pagers combine visuals with text to make ideas come alive in students’ minds and memories. This episode is all about how to make this powerful activity successful, whether or not the majority of your students love art.

You can listen below, or on iTunesBlubrry, or Stitcher.

Using TEMPLATES gives students a clear and easy roadmap to follow, so they don’t feel nervous about being judged on their artistic abilities. Check out these photo examples of templated one pagers for The Hate U Give and The Outsiders.

You can sign up for these templates + two more, each including a full set of directions, below. I think you’re going to love these! Teachers around the country have already been writing to tell me these are really going to help them introduce one pagers successfully.

Or, if you enjoy creating your own handouts, you can build this type of template in Powerpoint with the shapes tool. Simply drag and drop shapes, changing their sizes and moving them around until you have what you want. Then photocopy your specific instructions on the back.

Examples of Template Instructions:

  • A border which somehow represents the key themes from what you have read
  • An image in the upper left hand corner with a quotation woven into or around it. This image should somehow represent what you consider to be the most important symbol in the text so far.
  • Images and/or doodled words in the upper right hand corner that represent the key characters from the text and perhaps how they are changing
  • Images and quotations in the lower left hand corner that show the author’s style of writing, and the power of the language that is used
  • Images and/or words in the bottom right hand corner that show connections between the themes and ideas in the writing and what is going on in the world today.
  • Three important quotations from the text
  • Words and/or images that show the significance of the setting in some way
I hope you enjoy working on one pagers with your students! Hop into my Facebook group, Creative High School English, and chat about this and other creative activities with 1500 innovative teachers from around the world. 

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