When you love Shakespeare, but your students don’t, having a big toolkit of creative options for teaching the play will help make your life so much easier.
For the true Shakespearean, reading the words of the bard is a joy.
But having some great activities like the pocket text conversation between characters and the Shakespearean lightning round performance project that I describe in today’s show can really help when it comes to helping students find that joy.
If you teach Shakespeare, I think you’re really going to enjoy this episode. You can listen below, or on iTunes, Blubrry, or Stitcher.
To find a full description of all the writing activities I mention in the show, plus six more, just click on this link: 9 Writing Activities for Any Shakespeare Play
To find all the other activities I mentioned, plus a whole bunch more, click on this link:
Shakespeare Activities for Any Play.
Links Mentioned in the Show:
Theater Games List
Episode 030: The Simplest Way to One-Pager Success
Free One-Pagers Templates
Looking for more creative inspiration? Hop into the Creative High School English Facebook Group, where more than 1,500 teachers gather in an amazing virtual teacher’s lounge to trade ideas, share victories, and get support.