Expect Unexpected Engagement When you try Hexagonal Thinking in ELA


342: Easy Acting Games for Better Theater Units
  • 00:00

Sometime it’s time for a paper, and sometimes it’s not. In this episode you’ll discover twenty-five creative ways to help students dive into a novel that do NOT involve a five paragraph essay, but DO involve plenty of opportunity for true analysis and critical thinking. 

Care for a free PDF cheat sheet of all the assessments I cover in this podcast? Sign up below to join me for Friday e-mails full of creative strategy goodness, and you’ll get the two page PDF right away. 

I hope this episode is going to help you get going with some fresh and innovative ways to discuss characters, theme and more in your class novels. You can listen below, or on iTunesBlubrry, or Stitcher.

To find the full written post, click here.

Ethical AI PBL Unit

3 Weeks of Attendance Questions

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