Expect Unexpected Engagement When you try Hexagonal Thinking in ELA


365: 3 Easy Ways to Help Kids Build Better Arguments
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Ready for One-Pager Success?

One-pagers are all the rage lately around teacher circles. But you may already have tried them out with little success. “I’m not good at art,” your students groan, “It’s not fair to grade me based on my drawing.”

But if you give up, you won’t have the fun of watching your students represent their thoughts and ideas in this beautiful form. If you give up, you won’t get to cover your bulletin board in striking one pagers that students will be truly proud of. If you give up, you’ll lose this engaging tool for critical thinking that you can use with any book.

one-pagers template examples

After listening to teachers’ frustrations in my Facebook group, I came up with a simple solution. To create one-pager templates with highly specific instructions that will help students who are intimidated by art realize that it’s simply a matter of analyzing the text step by step, using as much or as little color and doodle as they wish.

When I sent these out to my e-mail list, I immediately heard back from excited teachers.

THANK YOU for sharing!  These are awesome!”
Awesome! Thank you so much!”

I’d like to give them to you too. You’re going to love how easily your students can follow the directions to create vivid, striking representations of any book you’re teaching. They’ll hardly even realize how much critical thinking they are doing. 

You can see how they work in the quick video below, then take thirty seconds to let me know where to send them. So far I’ve sent out over 25,000 copies!

Ready for a great activity you can use in unit after unit? Just type in your info below now.  Your one-pager templates will be on their way in moments, and you’ll also get creative teaching ideas from me in your inbox each Friday.

Ethical AI PBL Unit

3 Weeks of Attendance Questions

Better Discussion Toolkit


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