Expect Unexpected Engagement When you try Hexagonal Thinking in ELA


332: The Rec Letter Tweak that gave me my Octobers Back
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In this episode, I’m sharing my favorite sites for free creative lesson plans and teaching ideas online.

This is a relatively new site with tons of great ideas for every aspect of the writing process. Whether you are trying to figure out how to design a writer’s workshop or an English maker space, need a fun writing assignment or prompt idea, or are looking for prewriting or revision strategies, teachwriting.org presents solid ideas from a range of contributing teachers.

The Penguin Putnam Teacher’s Guides
I discovered these while I was teaching abroad in Bulgaria, and boy did I give myself a round of applause. What a find! Penguin Putnam has paid writers to put together incredible multi-page guides chock full of discussion questions, class activities, and project ideas. They feature over a hundred titles, including lots of Shakespeare. Go check out their list.

The Teaching Tolerance organization has put up an amazing website full of materials and free lesson plans with titles like “Analyzing Gender Stereotypes in the Media” and “Analyzing How Words Communicate Bias.” If you are looking to discuss important issues in the media and the press, Tolerance.org is a great place to start.

This website is a veritable warehouse of extensive lesson plans including directions, handouts, and various online interactive tools. It’s easy to get intimidated by all the tiny type on the page, but if you can make the search engine work for you, there are oodles of great free lessons here. Check out “All’s Well that Sell’s Well: A Creative Introduction to Shakespeare” and “Analyzing the Purpose and Meaning of Political Cartoons” to give a sense for the resources available here.

Spark Creativity
This one is very near and dear to my heart, probably because I write the articles every week! If you are looking for creative English teaching ideas, this very website is a great place to be. Try out “Escape Rooms: The Ultimate Guide for English Class” and “Creative Project Ideas for ELA” to get you started.

We Are Teachers
This site is a fun place to browse when you wish you had a hilarious mob of teachers around you looking to share stories, vent, laugh, and trade ideas. The Classroom Ideas Archives is the best place to go for articles to inspire your teaching. Check out “10 Creative Ways to Use Sketchnotes in your Classroom” and “How to Prevent Fake Reading? Give Teens choice as well as Classics” to get you started.

PBS Education
Ever since I took my students on a webquest of PBS’s online digital scrapbook about Mark Twain, I’ve known PBS had a lot to offer. And they’ve only expanded. Check out their full selection of free High School English Resources and pick out some to try, or go into the “PBS Teacher’s Lounge” for what they call “ideas to teach boldly.”

It’s a massive site, and an amazing one. I’m going to do a roundup post soon featuring all my favorite channels for English teachers and wonderful video examples from each, but here’s a quick starter. Check out John Spencer’s “The Creative Classroom” channel and Khan Academy’s extensive “Grammar Playlist.” Then check back next month for the big list!

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