So you keep hearing about one-pagers, but you’re not really sure if you want to try them out. In this post, you can see some of the amazing examples teachers have shared with me in the last few weeks. You can use these beautiful pieces to introduce one-pagers to your students, or just peruse them to give you an idea of how this project might play out in your classroom.
If you are new to one-pagers, and would like to read a full how-to post, you can check that out here.
If you know you want to get started, but you aren’t sure what directions to give your students, you can get four free templates (as shown in the first example below) with complete instructions here.
One-Pagers by the students of Mrs. Johnson
One-Pagers by the Students of Regan Botero, Creekside High School, Florida
One-Pagers by the students of Gina Knight Hess, 6th Grade ELA, North Naples Middle School
One-Pagers by the students of Cassie Newcomb, Sardis Middle School, Boaz, Alabama
One-Pagers by the students of Fallon Ferrara Howes
One-Pagers by the students of Cathy Briggs, Ellensburg High School, Washington
One-Pagers by the Students of Sarah Ashley Byrd, St. Stephens High School, Hickory, NC
One-Pagers by the Students of Suzanne Sutton, Pre-AP 8th Grade, Classen School of Advanced Studies, Oklahoma City, OK
Remember, you can get four free templates with complete instructions for getting your students going with one pagers right here. Make it easy for you and your students to get going with this creative, critical-thinking strategy.
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Beautiful examples! Thank you.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks for stopping by.
it was pretty ight
thanks, it really helped me with my own one pager
good stuff
this helped me with my one pager in school thanks
hey this is great
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that is bad.
shut up. Its better than anything you can put together moron.
Stop fighting please.
no its not
prove it.
hey this is great thank you
no u
The words from the first one (the Odyssey) are exactly those from this site:
Was it the intent of the teacher's to have the kids use someone else's text without attribution?
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alrgt about to head out
stalin disapproves
whats up my nickle galiums?
this is really helpful
“Peepee” words of noble king p00bz
everyone here is high or what?
That’s what it looks like .-.
its amazing art
نحن نمتلك مجموعة من الخبراء والمتخصصين فى شركة تنظيف بابها ونحن نستطيع التعامل مع كافة المساحات المختلفة فلا يهم ان كنت تمتلك منزل او فيلا فأن لدينا خبرات كبيرة تمكنا من تقديم خدماتنا على اكمل وجه ولدينا عمال وفنيين محترفين ولهم خبرات مختلفة نقدم ايضآ تنظيف لواجهات الشركات والفنادق. فكل ما تحتاجه من معدات واجهزة ومنظفات ذات جودة عالمية موجودة بشركتنا فنحن نسعى فقط لارضاء العميل أولآ واخيرآ
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شركة مكافحة فئران بالجبيل
these are trash dawg
These are some awesome examples my teacher reccomended these and it helped out alot
Easy work at home.
شركة نقل الاثاث والعفش وخدمات التسليك تحت اشراف عمالة فنية مدربة بابها وخميس مشيط
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شركة تسليك مجاري بخميس مشيط
follow me on twitch swagnational
how are you
these are good i really like them i will try one out
Thanks Ig
Very helpful.
This was very helpful.